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Congenital arise in the womb under the influence of intoxication, infectious diseases and are not inherited.

For the development of the disease, a combination of several factors is often needed, for example, damage to the skin during trauma and the introduction of pathogens into the wound. Endogenous factors causing or contributing to skin lesions. The participation of many of these factors in the mechanism of development of each dermatosis explains the difficulties in the classification and treatment of these diseases, their protracted course. Skin diseases often have a characteristic localization. So, dermatosis on the face occurs with lupus erythematosus, ostifolliculitis of the beard and mustache, senile keratoses. Dermatosis on the hands can be a manifestation of scabies, eczema, mycoses.

Dermatoses in the international classification of diseases.

The international classification (ICD-10) divides dermatoses somewhat illogically. some groups are singled out according to the leading cause, others - according to the mechanism of development, and still others - according to external manifestations. Nevertheless, in the document generally accepted by the world medical community, the following main types of dermatoses are identified.

Infections of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

In USA practice, a slightly different division of skin diseases is traditionally used. Consider some of the groups of dermatoses. Often these diseases are accompanied by the addition of a bacterial infection - secondary infected dermatosis occurs. Skin diseases in certain population groups.

Dermatoses in children have flow characteristics that are associated with frequent congenital and intrauterine disorders, as well as with the characteristics of the children's skin itself - thin, with weaker protection than in an adult. Newborns have epidemic pemphigus, exfoliative dermatitis, and other common epidermal lesions. At an early age, ostiofolliculitis, impetigo, and ecthyma occur. During puberty, children are often worried about seborrhea, juvenile acne, white lichen of the facial area.

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Children are characterized by such skin diseases as trichophytosis and microsporia, with which they become infected from animals, candidiasis, diaper rash, vulgar warts, molluscum contagiosum. Some illnesses, which start in childhood, remain for life. It's ichthyosis, nevi, epidermolysis bullosa and others.

Papulosquamous disorders (with the formation of plaques and scales).

Occupational dermatoses are relevant - the main ones among occupational diseases. Occupational factors can cause dermatitis, eczema, erysipeloid, skin ulceration, folliculitis, and fungal infections. The main harmful factor is chemicals, less often physical impact in combination with microbial agents.

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In old age, senile dermatosis occurs. telangiectasia, senile warts, alopecia and others. Principles of diagnosis and therapy. Diagnosis of skin diseases is based primarily on the examination and questioning of the patient. Outwardly, they are manifested by redness, swelling of the skin, its scratching with itching, the formation of spots, rashes, blisters, pustules and other morphological elements. The doctor assesses the nature of the rash, its polymorphism, prevalence, limitation, localization and other characteristics.

For additional diagnostics, dermoscopy is used, in difficult cases - a biopsy of the affected area, consultation of other specialists (rheumatologist, allergist, mycologist). Treatment of dermatosis includes non-drug and drug methods of exposure. The patient should eat well, have more rest, and not expose himself to any extreme environmental factors. Mental peace, auto-training, the use of relaxation techniques and other psychosomatic treatment of dermatosis are very important.

In some cases, systemic treatment is indispensable.

In addition, they often contain antibacterial and antifungal components that fight parasites.